Clarence sunflower growing competition!

Whilst the girls have been studying for their exams, they have been maintaining perspective by looking after two sunflower seedlings! This weekend, as some girls are starting to finish their A Levels and head home, we judged the sunflowers to see who has the greenest fingers. Huge congratulations to House 8 who grew two enormous seedlings and were the out and out winners for all categories. House 6 came a close second, whilst House 4 came in third, proving that the Old Clarence courtyard is a grew spot for cultivating plants.

The girls have enjoyed watching the progress of their sunflowers and are warmly encouraged to take their seedlings with them when they leave or donate them to Miss Harris’ garden, if they’d like to 🙂

Well done to everyone (prizes to follow this evening!) and good luck for the remaining exams!


Muck-Up Day

The annual muck-up day of fun took place on Friday 13th May and marks the beginning of the end of Clarence’s time at school. The Leavers’ Ceremony and Ball mark the formal ending of their time at Wycombe Abbey, but muck-up day gives the girls the opportunity to give a day of fun to the rest of the school. Highlights of the day were the clingfilm-wrapped computer rooms, the Custodians’ lodge wrapped up as a big parcel, the bungee run which appeared mysteriously on the midget pitch and the hilarious Big School Assembly taken by the girls. They got exactly the right amount of fun and humour into the day!

The girls also create a lasting memento of their time at school in the form of a mural. The painting was led by Isabel Y, Gillian, Oriane and Jane. Featuring an origami-style dove in the colours of each Senior House and the signature of each Clarence 2016 Leaver, I think you will agree it is an astonishing and wonderful piece of art, which will hang in the entrance to the new dining room.Clarence Mural 2016

The Great Meat Debate

Eating healthily is big news at the moment and as the Clarence girls learn to cook for themselves, they also join in discussions on organic produce, good quality and ethically sourced meat and fish as well as the current hot topic of how much meat is good for us. I have shared this link with the Clarence girls by email today and thought parents might also be interested in this live debate on YouTube tonight at 7pm (and probably available thereafter to rewatch). One of the panellists is Riverford founder, Tim Watson and you will be aware that we buy organic fruit and vegetables for Clarence from Riverford.

Live Debate Link

You may also be interested in the Riverford App that I recommended some time ago to Clarence as a way of finding new and easy recipes to cook with the seasonal vegetables they have. The app allows you to select up to three vegetables and it will bring you some recipes that use those items.  It is currently only available on iPhone and the link is below.

Riverford App

It is so important to get variety in our diets and this is just one of the ways the Clarence team are opening up discussion about healthy and sustainable eating.

The New Yorker

Each year, the Sixth Form Play is highly anticipated. 2016 sees, Alice Devoy and Charlotte Fletcher directing their piece, The New Yorker, about F Scott Fitzgerald and his character, personality and incredible talent for writing exciting and emotional fiction. Their performance, which … Continue reading

Thank You Head Girl Team

As we look forward excitedly to appointing the new Head Girl Team on Friday morning we took time on Wednesday to throw a surprise party for our outstanding outgoing Head Girl, Honor and her Deputies, Moé and Anna. Having invited them to the Clarence Common Room on a fictional pretext, the entire current and retired Prefect team hid in the very cramped Clarence kitchen in order to jump out and surprise them!

We have been fortunate to have a forward-thinking and caring team this year. The team have been widely respected and have strived for change for the better. We know they are excited to find out who their successor team will be tomorrow. In the meantime – THANK YOU – to three very special young women who have made a difference

Clarence Academy shine at Spotlights!

The annual display of Wycombe Abbey’s talented dancers dazzled and wowed a packed out audience tonight. ‘Spotlights’ (a paired down version of ‘Highlights’ due to ‘The Globe’ in March) featured LV-UVI dancers and many of our talented Clarence girls were involved in ‘Clarence Academy’, whose dance opened the show. More photos to follow but just to whet your appetite, here is the opening of the Clarence Academy performance…

Lecture on Volunteering by Hugo Chittenden

On Friday 22nd January we had our final Sixth Form Lecture of the year. Hugo Chittenden talked to the Sixth Form about volunteering. Hugo has made a career out of volunteering in many different countries, including a recent stint in ‘the jungle’ at Calais. He has made documentaries of his work to raise the profile of volunteering and the issues he has helped with.

Hugo encouraged the girls to think about how they might volunteer to help those less fortunate than themselves and how to go about volunteering in the UK or further afield.

Several girls had supper with Hugo before the talk and all were really inspired by his life’s work.  You can read more about Hugo’s work on his website here.