Clarence sunflower growing competition!

Whilst the girls have been studying for their exams, they have been maintaining perspective by looking after two sunflower seedlings! This weekend, as some girls are starting to finish their A Levels and head home, we judged the sunflowers to see who has the greenest fingers. Huge congratulations to House 8 who grew two enormous seedlings and were the out and out winners for all categories. House 6 came a close second, whilst House 4 came in third, proving that the Old Clarence courtyard is a grew spot for cultivating plants.

The girls have enjoyed watching the progress of their sunflowers and are warmly encouraged to take their seedlings with them when they leave or donate them to Miss Harris’ garden, if they’d like to 🙂

Well done to everyone (prizes to follow this evening!) and good luck for the remaining exams!


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